Workers Power

Sunbus workers on strike!

18 January 2022

This week we chat with Jarrod Abbot from TWU about Sunbus workers out on the grass to force Sunbus back to the negotiating table with a fair deal.

Revolutionary QLD - The history of the Red North

11 January 2022

This week we talk to Neil Frost from the Brisbane Labour History Association about the Red North, that rebellious period of North Queensland history which began in the 1920s and culminated in the election of Communist Fred Paterson to the Queensland Parliament as the Member for Bowen. In those years the North was known as a centre of radicalism, with militant strikes, campaigns against fascism, movements of the unemployed and the growth of the Communist Party.

SEQUR's first campaign and the anti-anti-vaxxers

14 December 2021

This week we talk to Iswed from SEQUR and CARF about SEQUR's ongoing campaign against Little Real Estate, who left one of SEQUR's members without a working bathroom for months. We also talk about the work CARF does to counter the anti-vax movement.

Save Our Bowlo and the history of the IWW in Queensland

7 December 2021

This week we talk to Robyn from Save Our Bowlo about the campaign to stop the destruction of the East Brisbane Bowls Club, a community and arts centre which the council has deemed "underused and unnattractive". We also talk to Jeff from the Brisbane Labour History Association, about the history of the revoltionary union, the IWW, and the union organising it did in Queensland (starts at 30:40).

Organising in construction

30 November 2021

This week we talked to Andy, organiser with the CFMEU, about the work he does in the construction industry to fight for workers' rights.

A good day for a strike, comrades

23 November 2021

This week it's win after win, spit hoods are banned in SA, SEQUR shut down Little Real Estate for the day, Country Road were cowed by the strike, Modi was cowed by the farmers' blockade, and that's not even all of them.

Young Workers Hub

16 November 2021

This week we talk to Shae from Young Workers Hub to talk about the work they do supporting young workers to assert their rights in the workplace.

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