Workers Power

Fight back

30 March 2021

This week we have no guest, but we have plenty of news of workers struggles, including First Nations workers protecting a sacred songline, Commonwealth Bank workers protecting their retirement, workers in NSW protecting a forest, and workers in Myanmar fighting for freedom.

Your Woman

23 March 2021

This week we are talking to Damien Johnson about his new music video for ‘Your Woman’ that released today. Damien created this project to confront transphobia, promote equality and fairness, and generally just flick the bird at oppression in all its forms.


16 March 2021

This week we talk to Steve "Pineapple" Alberts from CrewCare about the challenges faced by workers in the live entertainment industry, or roadies, as well as the work CrewCare does to support them. This includes the upcoming Roady4Roadies fundraiser concerts, which are taking place around the continent.

Women Workers Power

9 March 2021

To commemorate International Working Womens Day we have two special guests, Rank and File QNMU member Lynda, and CPSU Organiser Dani, in the studio to discuss what issues are affecting women, including the rape crisis in the Australian parliament as well as the desperate need for ratios in aged care.

Suffragettes and suffering

2 March 2021

This week we have two interviews, the first is a pre-recorded interview with Deborah from the Brisbane Labour History Association about the history of the suffragettes in Queensland. The second is with our regular Jayden and Calypso from Anti-Poverty Network, to talk about the IWWD rally.
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